
Father’s Day with a Healthy Twist

Published on Jun 16, 2023 | 2:55 PM

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The significance of men's health cannot be understated. It is crucial to address various chronic conditions and mental health concerns that affect men.

According to the CDC's "Interactive Summary Health Statistics for Adults - 2019-2021," a considerable 13.2% of men aged 18 and above report fair or poor health conditions.1 This emphasizes the need to understand and address men's health issues more comprehensively.

Men often engage in behaviors that can adversely impact their health, such as excessive drinking, smoking, and making other unhealthy or risky choices, which may contribute to their higher rates of chronic conditions. Additionally, as men grow older, they tend to delay seeking medical care and avoid regular checkups, often denying the existence of health problems.

Men are also susceptible to a range of chronic diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, and lung cancer, among others. These conditions significantly impact their overall well-being and quality of life. Furthermore, depression emerges as a prevalent mental health issue affecting men in the United States, affecting more than six million individuals annually, as reported by The National Institute of Mental Health.2

Considering these vulnerabilities, it becomes imperative to prioritize mental well-being for men and address men’s chronic conditions. By recognizing and actively addressing these concerns, we can improve the overall health and quality of life for males and fathers across the nation.

Mental Well-Being: Breaking the Silence

Men experience emotions deeply and are equally susceptible to developing mental health disorders, just like women. It's important to recognize that mental health issues can affect anyone regardless of gender. While mental health disorders may be more commonly reported among women, it is concerning that men are more likely to die by suicide.

This gender disparity in suicide rates highlights a complex combination of societal, psychological, and biological factors. Men often face unique challenges in seeking help for their mental health issues due to cultural and societal expectations that discourage emotional vulnerability. These expectations can contribute to a reluctance to seek support or express emotions openly, leading to a higher risk of untreated mental health conditions and potential escalation to suicidal thoughts or behaviors. Some symptoms may be more common for men to experience, which include but are not limited to:

  • Sleeping too much or not enough
  • Appetite, energy level, and mood changes
  • Becoming more irritable, aggressive, or angry
  • An increase in stress and worry
  • Difficulty concentrating

Mental health has a profound impact on overall wellness, and many treatment options are available, but men face many societal barriers to improving their mental health. You can help the man in your life to overcome these barriers. Support them by creating a safe space where symptoms, mental health conditions, and suicide prevention can be freely discussed.

Father’s Day: a Time for Support and Care

Father's Day is not only an occasion to express gratitude, but also an opportunity to provide support and care to the men you hold dear. Beyond simple appreciation, consider using this special day to encourage their overall well-being, both physically and mentally.

One meaningful way to show your support is by promoting daily movement and healthy eating habits. Suggest going for a walk together or engaging in a shared physical activity that aligns with their interests. Not only does this foster quality time spent together, but it also promotes an active and healthy lifestyle. Additionally, you can make mindful choices when enjoying a movie together by opting for nutritious snacks, demonstrating your commitment to their well-being.

Support the Health and Well-Being of the Men in Your Life

However, health extends beyond the physical realm, and it's important to prioritize mental health as well. Engage in regular conversations about their emotional well-being, actively listening with compassion and empathy. By creating a safe space for vulnerable discussions, you provide an opportunity for them to share their thoughts and feelings. Encouraging such dialogues can make a significant difference in their mental well-being and strengthen your connection as well.

In the spirit of care and support, consider offering to accompany them to medical appointments. By being present during these visits, you demonstrate your commitment to their health and serve as a valuable source of emotional support. This small yet mighty gesture not only ensures they receive necessary medical attention but also underscores your willingness to be there for them.

Talk to Him About Telehealth

Telehealth is revolutionizing the way in which both men and women access and receive health care. No longer do men have to experience the stress or embarrassment of sitting in a doctor’s office; thanks to telehealth, physicians and therapists are only a click away.

Call-On-Doc continues to be the superior choice for men who are seeking medical care. Treatment ranges from primary care, men's health conditions, sexual health, dermatology, mental health,  pediatrics and more. Getting care from the comfort of home for a wide variety of healthcare needs is easy and available whenever you need it.

With Call-On-Doc, you not only have access to a diverse team of board-certified physicians, therapists, and specialists but also the added benefit of a referral partner for talk therapy options. Connecting with them is a breeze through video or phone consultations. They can address your healthcare needs, including writing prescriptions, which can be conveniently sent to your local pharmacy for pick up, often within the same day.

This Father’s Day, celebrate the man in your life by supporting his health. Learn more about the benefits of telehealth with Call-On-Doc today.

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Wayne C. Hahne,

English graduate and Call-On-Doc’s medical resource guide, Wayne C. Hahne is an experienced and passionate medical education content expert. Through diligent research, provider interviews and utilizing the industry's leading resources for wellness information, it is Mr. Hahne’s personal mission to educate the general public on medical conditions with in-depth and easy-to-understand written guides.

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