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The Best Exercises for Weight Loss in 2024

Alongside dieting, exercise is one of the most fundamental habits you can deploy in your daily life to lose weight and improve your appearance. Whether it's just taking a brisk walk each day or going to the gym and doing something a little more intense, regularly exercising is proven to help keep you physically and mentally healthy. However, when specifically having to do with weight loss, there are some workouts that have proven to be more effective than others.

Nov 28, 2023

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The Best Diets for Losing Weight in 2024

As we discussed in “Is Your Resolution to Lose Weight? Read This First,” diet and nutrition are among the most important things to consider when you are looking to lose weight. Alongside regular exercise and running a calorie deficit, a good diet will not only help you shed the pounds but will also make you look and feel better. However, like how there are different types of workouts developed for different goals, there are also different types of diets to choose from. 

Nov 28, 2023

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How to Make the Most of your Weight Loss Medication

Over-the-counter and prescription weight loss medications are effective tools for those looking to lose weight. When used alongside a proper diet and regular exercise, the vast majority of those trying to lose weight succeed. With around 4 in 10 (41% of) Americans reporting that they are overweight and over half (55%) of American adults saying they want to lose weight, it’s important to understand exactly what goes into weight loss and how you can best use weight loss prescriptions or medications to help you achieve your weight loss goals. (1) Proven to be effective, many of that same number have chosen prescriptions like Ozempic, Saxenda, Wegovy, and more. 

Nov 28, 2023

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